Pledge to Vote

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Election Dates and Deadlines to Know

September 17: National Voter Registration Day

October 18 | November General Election 18-day voting period begins

October 28 | Last day to register, update, or change voter information online or by mail for the November General Election

November 5 | Last day to register to vote in person

November 5 | General Election Day. Last day to deposit ballot in drop box

We know that Native people have great political power in local, state, and national elections, Your voice and your vote matter

We are all busy. Voting deadlines change every year. Sign up here to receive election reminders and voting information so you never miss the opportunity to make your voice heard.

Fill out this form and we will send you an email and text reminder when it is time to turn your ballot in for the November General Election. We will also send you helpful information about how to ensure your vote is counted, how and where to return your ballot, and answer any questions you have about voting.