Voting is Good Medicine

Time after time, Native American voters in Washington have made the difference in tough elections

We cast the deciding votes that elected a Governor. Our votes were crucial in electing a U. S. Senator. And our votes were decisive in the all-important 2020 elections. 

Now, it’s our turn to make the difference in 2024.

Register to Vote

Your voice matters. With elections sometimes decided by hundreds of votes, Native voters can make a difference. Register to vote and update you voter registration. It takes only 2 minutes.

Pledge to Vote

Pledge to vote for yourself, your community, and future generations. Sign up here to receive election reminders and voting information so you never miss the opportunity to make your voice heard.

Military & Overseas Voting

Voting assistance for Washington Service members, their families and overseas citizens.

Drop Box & Voting Center Locations

View all Washington state locations of ballot drop boxes and voting centers for the current election.

Native Vote Organizing Series: Voting is Good Medicine

The Native Vote’s power is rooted in our peoples’ resilience, relationships, and centuries of hard-won victories and untold stories.

In 2020, Native people turned out to vote in unprecedented numbers, making waves in elections across the country. Now, we need to do it again—bigger than ever—in 2024 and beyond.

What’s needed most now to grow voter registration and turnout is Native-centered organizing by trusted messengers that we’re building with Native Vote Washington and the Native Vote Organizing Series.

Join us in making 2024 the year of the Native Vote.

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Join us in making 2024 the year of the Native Vote!